Howard University

We prepare diverse, talented and ambitious students to learn, lead and embody excellence in truth and service.

HBCUs as Catalysts for Regional Inclusive Economic Growth

Join us to hear a meaningful conversation, in collaboration with the Greater Washington Partnership, on how HBCUs like Howard are driving inclusive economic development and prosperity in both the local community and across the region.  

Join the Livestream on Monday, Sept. 9 at 9am
Our community of more than 13,000 undergraduate, graduate and professional students represents 53 states and territories, and 53 nations.
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Cameryn Burnette
Cameryn Burnette
Special projects manager at Energicity
Cameryn Burnette
Special projects manager at Energicity
Originally From: Houston, Texas
Class of: 2022
Degree Earned: BS in Civil Engineering

After graduating magna cum laude from Howard University in May 2022, Civil and Environmental Engineering alumna and Karsh STEM Scholar Cameryn Burnette began a career aimed at engineering low-tech solutions to positively impact developing areas. She is currently a Special Project Manager at Energicity Corp in Benin, West Africa; Energicity “is not just building solar grids, but cultivating electricity ‘ecosystems’ by implementing programs that influence trade, education, and communication in rural areas.”  

In January, Burnette received a Schwarzman Scholars fellowship. The second-ever Howard alum to receive this honor, Burnette is  part of the eighth cohort for one of the most prestigious graduate fellowships in the world. Through this fellowship, Burnette aims to earn her PhD in Material Science to create materials for safe, sustainable, modern infrastructure with an early focus on bio-inspired materials and biocomposites after matriculating from Tsinghua University in Beijing, China. She plans to create polymers that have the functionality of petroleum plastics and enhanced degradation abilities so they can decompose, rather than accumulating on the Earth’s surface or break down into microplastics. She is also interested in exploring the potential of enhancing natural materials for use as building materials. 

In addition to the Schwarzman Scholars fellowship, Burnette also received a presentation award for her research “Nanoindentation of bovine meniscus for localized properties.” She expects to eventually lead her own lab and work as a professor to inspire students, similar to how her Howard professors motivated her. 

“Living and working in Cotonou, Benin allows me to witness firsthand the obstacles and potential solutions involved in development engineering. I am honing my values and priorities while living in a different country, and my experience there has reaffirmed my dedication to a humanitarian engineering career. I have discovered a line of work that excites and energizes me.”
Kenzell Munroe in front of a Howard University building.
Kenzell Munroe
Fashion designer and founder of Things of That Nature
Kenzell Munroe
Fashion designer and founder of Things of That Nature
Originally From: Philadelphia, PA
Class of: 2023
Degree Earned: Fashion Design

Kenzell Munroe is a senior Fashion Design major and creator of a sustainable fashion brand, Things of That Nature. Through his brand, Munroe creates hand-made products from upcycled material. He recently partnered with the streetwear brand Atmos in a workshop showcasing sustainable fashion. During the workshop, he created 12  upcycled tote bags that have become his signature item. Born in Syndey, Australia and raised in Philadelphia, PA, Munroe developed a love for Earth and a desire to preserve it for future generations. After learning to sew during his sophomore year, Munroe’s need to source materials for his coursework at Howard inspired him to rework denim and cargo fabrics from his own wardrobe, as well as fabrics bought from thrift stores or donated by friends and family. His signature tote bags are now a popular accessory on the Yard. 

Munroe hopes to influence and inspire everyone he connects with, bringing joy and new perspectives  through fashion design. He believes that fashion design can create a connection without words, conveying a message and ethos through artistic products. He credits Professor Mikki Taylor as his mentor during matriculation, teaching him the importance of sustainability in the fashion industry and pinpointing pollution problems and potential solutions. 

“Things of That Nature alludes to the common phrase, which to me means ‘etc.’ or similar subjects pertaining to a specific realm. My realm is fashion, and I plan to involve myself in various ways in the industry, including but not limited to, design, modeling, styling, creative direction, and collaboration. Howard has excelled at teaching me that having different skills under your belt are important and beneficial.”
Gregory Robinson
Gregory Robinson
James Webb Telescope Program Director
Gregory Robinson
James Webb Telescope Program Director
Originally From: Danville, Virginia
Class of: 1983
Degree Earned: BSEE

While pursuing a degree in electrical engineering at Howard, Gregory Robinson felt that in addition to excellent academic training, he received a broader understanding of navigating a diverse environment because of the population. He said that it was this environment that aided him to become innovative without fear of failure and grow his confidence so that he could thrive in competitive settings.

Before his assignment to NASA Headquarters in 1999, Robinson worked in different leadership positions at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center. He also served as the Systems Assurance Manager for projects like Global Geospace (1994), Earth Observing System (2002), and Aura Spacecraft (2004).

In 2005, Robinson moved to the role of Deputy Chief Engineer at NASA Headquarters where he developed and implemented NASA’s Engineering Excellence and Engineering Technical Authority, and improved project management and systems across the agency.

In 2013, Robinson was named the deputy director at NASA’s John H. Glenn Research Center. In that role, which he calls a highlight of his career, he played a role in furthering aeronautics and space technology. He also served as NASA deputy chief engineer, a role in which he got to work on approximately 22 shuttle launch missions that took place in the years after the Columbia shuttle disaster in 2003.

Since taking the role of Deputy Director at the National Aeronautics and Space Administration’s Glenn Research Center in 2013, he has been managing a plethora of programs and projects.

Robinson has received numerous individual and group performance awards, including the Presidential Rank, Meritorious Senior Professionals and Executives Award. In February of 2022, Robinson was awarded the Roy L. Clay Sr Technology Pinnacle Award.

Portrait image courtesy of NASA.

“Master your subject matter expertise, make sure you explore all that Howard has to offer, interact with all types of people on and off-campus, find what you love and run with it. When you leave Howard, you will be prepared for anything!”

Excellence in Truth and Service is reflected in all that we do.

Veritas et Utilitas. Excellence in Truth and Service is reflected in all that we do.
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Portrait of Madison Star Brim
Howard is a very culturally rich and diverse University and our students not only come from all over the country, but all over the world. However, even through that diversity, there is an undeniable culture that grounds us and connects us, showing us that while we may all be different, that is where our strength lies.”
Madison Star Brim, Alumna, Class of 2019 Fashion Designer 2020
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