April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month 2024

The National Sexual Violence Resource Center (NSVRC) announces "Building Connected Communities" as the theme for Sexual Assault Awareness Month 2024.
Building Connected Communities helps us reduce the likelihood of sexual abuse, assault, and harassment in our communities. Any space where people come together is a community, whether in neighborhoods, workplaces, campuses, organizations, or even online spaces. We are all a part of a community, often many, even when we may feel disconnected or apart from them.
Community is powerful. Community creates a sense of belonging and reminds us of how our beliefs, choices, and actions impact one another. At the center of Building Connected Communities is ensuring our communities are safe, inclusive, and equitable. Racism, sexism, classism, heterosexism, ageism, ableism, and other forms of oppression contribute to higher rates of sexual harassment, assault, and abuse. We must address all abuses of power to prevent sexual violence -- in our relationships, communities, and society.
We also recognize that how we talk about sexual violence significantly impacts survivors, their families, our communities, and society. This April, during Sexual Assault Awareness Month, learn how to take steps to build connected communities and enhance your knowledge of sexual assault, harassment, and abuse. In addition, we invite you to explore how to create communities where everyone feels safe and supported. We’re asking you to join us in building connected communities that promote equity and respect, as our connections to one another have an impact beyond just ourselves.
Visit NSVRC online to learn more about this year's #SAAM2024 theme, what it takes to build connected communities, how sexual violence is defined, and related statistics.
Visit the Howard University Interpersonal Violence Prevention Program (IVPP) website and follow IVPP on social media @ivpphu to learn about #SAAM2024 events happening on campus during the month of April. Also, learn how you can help build a stronger, more connected campus community here at Howard by participating in the the HU Sexual Assault Prevention And Community Equity Working Group (HU SPACE). This initiative, led by IVPP, is based on the Sexual Assault Prevention And Community Equity toolkit (SPACE) developed by the authors of Sexual Citizens: Sex, Power, and Assault on Campus, and represents a new approach to sexual violence prevention – one grounded in a broad commitment to equity, empathy, and empowering communities like Howard University, to work together toward our shared goal of campus equity.
Finally, learn more about your rights, resources, and responsibilities under the HU Policy Prohibiting Sex and Gender-Based Discrimination, Sexual Misconduct and Retaliation (Title IX Policy), administered by the Howard University Title IX Office.