The University has an enduring commitment to the education and advancement of underrepresented populations in America and the global community. Howard University’s unique mission represents an unwavering commitment to its core values of leadership, excellence, truth and service.
Established in 1867, Howard University is a federally chartered, private, doctoral research extensive university located in Washington, DC. With an enrollment of approximately 11,000 students in its undergraduate, graduate, professional, and joint degree programs, which span more than 120 areas of study within 13 schools and colleges, the University is dedicated to educating students from diverse backgrounds. Since its founding in 1867, Howard has awarded more than 120,000 degrees and certificates in the arts, the sciences, and the humanities.
Schools & Colleges
Howard University is made up of 14 schools and colleges.
See all 14 schools & collegesFields of Study
Undergraduate Programs
Clinical Laboratory Science (B.S.CLS.)
Computer Engineering (B.S.Comp.Eng.)
Computer Information Systems (B.B.A.)
Electrical Engineering (B.S.Elec.Eng.)
Interdisciplinary Studies - (B.A.)
International Business (B.B.A.)
Mechanical Engineering (B.S.Mech.Eng.)
Media Journalism, Film and Communications (B.A.)
Supply Chain Management (B.B.A.)
Graduate Programs
Atmospheric Sciences (MS, PhD)
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (PhD, MD/PhD)
Communications - Speech Language Pathology 5-year Accelerated Master’s (M.S.)
Comm. Sciences & Disorders (MS, PhD)
Education Leadership and Policy Studies (MEd)
Genetics & Human Genetics (PhD, MD/PhD)
Pharmaceutical Science (MS, PhD, MD/PhD)
Religion (M.Div., M.Div./M.S.W., M.Div./M.B.A.)
School Psychology and Counseling Services (MEd)
Sociology and Criminology (MA, PhD)
Doctorate Programs
Biochemistry & Molecular Biology (M.D/Ph.D.)
Comm., Culture & Media Studies (Ph.D.)
Comm. Sciences & Disorders (Ph.D.)
Education Leadership and Policy Studies (Ed.D.)
Educational Psychology (Ph.D.)
Genetics & Human Genetics (M.D/Ph.D.)
Higher Education Leadership and Policy Studies (Ph.D.)
Mechanical Engineering (Ph.D.)
Pharmaceutical Sciences (Ph.D.)
Physiology & Biophysics (M.D/Ph.D.)
Sociology and Criminology (Ph.D.)
Professional Programs