Consortia/Exchange Top 10 Reason to Participate
Why you should participate in the Domestic Exchange Program?
10. The Domestic Exchange programs gives you access to many outstanding universities throughout the United States. Rutgers University, Columbia University, Stanford University, University of Southern California, Duke University are just a few of the universities we have exchange agreements with. A complete listing is available in the “A” Bldg-Suite 105.
9. The Domestic Exchange Program provides you with the opportunity to build integrative learning skills, multi-cultural competencies and practical knowledge that is needed to succeed in and contribute to our rapidly changing society.
8. The Domestic Exchange Program lets you explore a new environment for a semester, or even a year while you are still a Howard University Student.
7. The Domestic Exchange Program will set you apart from other job seekers in a very competitive job market. You can highlight your exchange experience in job interviews and on your resume.
6. The Domestic Exchange Program can help you develop new skills, more independence and self-confidence. You will return from your exchange experience with new skills that just can’t be learned on campus.
5. The Domestic Exchange Program introduces you to new cultures, opportunities and possibly a new way of life.
4. The Domestic Exchange Program will give you an opportunity to make lifelong friendships with people you would not ordinarily have met.
3. The Domestic Exchange Program will allow you to explore future job opportunities.
2. The Domestic Exchange Program will allow you to investigate Graduate and Professional Schools.
And the #1 reason why you should try the Domestic Exchange Program…
It will be an awesome experience and a great opportunity!!!!